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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

ILight FieldView 12.0

ILight FieldView 12.0 | 191 MB
FieldView is powerful post-processing software to quickly identify important flow features and characteristics in your simulations. It allows interactive exploration for thorough understanding of your results. Examine and compare cases, extract critical values, and make compelling presentations. FieldView lets you easily interrogate your CFD, CAE, and miltiphysics simulation data to see the behavior of fluid flows naturally and accurately. It makes you more productive.

FieldView handles datasets of any size seamlessly--even simulations with billions of nodes. Work with transient and steady state data. Work with structured, unstructured, and hybrid grids. And FieldView's client-server architecture lets you work on huge, server-class problems at your desk, without moving solution data files.
FieldView ATViewer image of a turbine.
Aachen Turbine reference case post-processed using FieldView 12.1. Solution from Fine/Turbo™ (Numeca Int'l), image produced by VINAS Co, Ltd.

* Compare results interactively
* Use static images or animations
* Create and customize 2-D plots from your data
* Quickly see important flow characteristics
* Utilize parallel computing systems to speed your post-processing. FieldView supports up to 4 CPUs/cores on Linux systems with the standard license. Larger CPU systems and clusters are supported with FieldView Parallel.
* Use advanced feature extraction--vortex cores, surface flows, shock surfaces

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