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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Demicron WireFusion Enterprise

Demicron WireFusion Enterprise | 54,1 MB
The way you work in WireFusion differs from other authoring tools. WireFusion works with pre-programmed functions and operations, known as objects (WireFusion Objects). The use and reuse of already made and tested code assures robust applets and operations. Hence there is little need for traditional debugging. WireFusion is not based on a timeline as many other animation tools. However, you can use the time as a parameter to run an animation or to have events executed in a specific order.

WireFusion works best if you let the user interact in real-time with your presentations. Let them navigate, rotate and zoom your 3D models, change textures, configure colors, open and close hatches and doors. Everything is easily created by you and easily experienced by the user. Even if you are using image processing filters as e.g. blur or brightness, and in layers, which normally are very processor intensive, WireFusion will handle those smoothly. You can also use alpha channels which let you manipulate, isolate, and protect specific parts of an image or a filter. WireFusion could in this area be described as a ''programmable and interactive Adobe Photoshop''.

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