Vray 1.05 for Cinema4D | 4,5 MB
Vray is one of the very high end available render systems out there.
Vray is one of the very high end available render systems out there. almost the whole architectural Visualization business changed to Vray over the last years and the trend is ongoing, but not only architects, also product designer and other areas jumped on the train. After its enourmous success on the market V-Ray has become also the renderer of choice in big production studios accross the world. Feature film
productions, multi-million dollar game productions have trusted their visuals to VRay. The huge success of vray might be a combination of wonderful GI light-distribution at unbeaten speed (also for GI animation), solid, high quality shaders, very nice antialiasing and a very intelligent but yet easy workflow. its is also a very, very stable application. For those who dont want long explanations, here also a short desription;-) :
It’s good
it’s fast
it’s stable.
Changelog: 1.05
1) Fixed Infinite light behaviour, now can effectively use the intensity parameter both from Cinema's light panel and the VrayLight tag.
2) Some optimizations
Changelog: 1.04
1) Added Shadow color parameter in the VrayLight tag
2) Fixed Photometric lights (now there's perfect values conversion from the various photometric units) for even more realistic light diffusion.
3) Fixed Spot light cone angle and penumbra angle to conform to Cinema spot light render
4) Fixed multiple render settings bug
Changelog: 1.03
Fixed the bug on the DMC AA that always set to 0.0 the threshold.
Changelog: 1.02
Added Hair polygon shader support (from Hair module).
Added Adaptive DMC Threshold parameter in the VrayBridge Antialiasing panel.
Added Adaptation Only option in the VrayBridge Color Mapping panel.
Fixed OGL transparency (now in OGL the tarnsparency is set to 50% regardless the transparency amount of the material).
Added Color coded icon to better visualize the VrayBridge tags
New Fine tuned GI Presets.
Changed the Illumination Panel in the VrayMaterial in "OGL Textures" (the unusefull Cinema GI settings are gone).
Fixed Alpha support for textures.
Know Issue:
When use polygon selection you must have a base material added to the object.
Known bug:
Try not to set the "Show in render" option under Cinema's light parameters (is in the Detail tab), or Vray could crash.
Instalation :
if you dont have the install manual from the previous relesas , just :
copy the "VrayBridge" folder in the plugins folder
the four dlls from the folder "VrayLibsWindows_1.05" to the root folder of cinema4d
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