East-Tec DisposeSecure 2007 Enterprise ver. | 5,65 MB Prevent dangerous information leaks with computer disposals or returns East-Tec DisposeSecure 2007 Enterprise completely and securely removes all data from hard drives or disk partitions before return of leased assets or computer disposal. East-Tec DisposeSecure 2007 Enterprise exceeds U.S. Department of Defense security standards.
What You Know
* Your company upgrades to new computers or hard drives * Your company trades older computers towards newer systems * Your company returns leased computers or laptops * Your company reassigns computers to different departments or personnel * Your company removes old computers from operation and donates them to charity or to other organizations
What You May Not Know
With each computer or hard drive you may give away:
* Sensitive or restricted information * Business plans, strategies and reports * Banking account information, financial statements, credit card numbers * Employees information or social security data * An entire history of activities that have been performed with the computer
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